NeuroBeats is a trauma informed drumming program that incorporates the latest developments in neuroscience, attachment and traumatology. The program is flexible and can be used with a variety of individuals and groups for many purposes.
Children are the Greatest, facilitates trauma-informed training for teachers in the United States and in developing countries for grassroots organizations working with squatter settlements and communities impacted by natural disasters and chronic poverty.
Our strengths are based around trauma-informed best practice models and principles that facilitate attachment, regulation and competencies for children impacted by trauma. Our staff seeks to create an environment of safety, power and choice. We provide powerful protective factors that include, healthy relationships, emotional regulation
Our strengths are based around trauma-informed best practice models and principles that facilitate attachment, regulation and competencies for children impacted by trauma. Our staff seeks to create an environment of safety, power and choice. We provide powerful protective factors that include, healthy relationships, emotional regulation skills, and experiences that lead to positive self-identity. These protective factors can make the difference in a child’s life and lead to trauma experience integration, healing, and resilience.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.